What should you do if you are worried that you might have developed symptoms of heart disease?
Consultant cardiologist Ahmed Elgahamaz explains what should be your behaviour if you think you have symptoms of heart disease.
Consultant cardiologist Ahmed Elgahamaz explains what should be your behaviour if you think you have symptoms of heart disease.
Consultant cardiologist Navin Chandra answers the question about ambulatory BP recorders and Holter ECG monitoring risks.
Heart disease prevention is quite a challenging issue. Often people present with heart disease as their initial problem...
Cardiac MRI allows you to assess structures other than the heart such as the lungs and the bag in which the heart sits. Learn more...
Consultant Cardiologist Ahmed Elgahamaz gives a brief definition of Echocardiography and talks about any risks. Learn more...
Echocardiography takes images of the heart muscle and the valves using ultrasound. Find out more about the impact it has on our body...
Consultant cardiologist Joban Sehmi reveals that cardiac MRI is a very specialist test to assess the structures within the heart.
The benefits of Many Beats Complete is that you save yourself time to get to the bottom of the problem essentially. Learn more...
Ambulatory BP recorder works by wearing a cuff around the upper arm to record your blood pressure throughout the day and night while you're doing your normal activities.
Holter ECG monitoring is a way of monitoring your heart rhythm continuously. It typically involves using three ECG stickers that are attached on the chest.